Transition into the life and career you were destined to create!

I assist purpose-driven women in rediscovering their God-given gifts and transitioning into careers that are more impactful and fulfilling, all without compromising their financial security.

“You have attained significant success in Corporate America. Now you find yourself questioning, ‘Is this the path God intended for me to pursue?’”

You Desire To Make A Career Change But These Roadblocks Stand In The Way


You are good at your work but often feel the tug to do and be something greater. You are stuck & need clarity to identify the next best move for you that will bring greater impact and fulfillment to build the legacy God desires for you. 


You have invested a lot of time in your current career & shifting feels uncertain.  What will people think about your bold move? How will your finances be impacted? Will you just end up right where you are now? You need confidence & strategy to transition into the life you dream of living.


You need solid coaching & a proven framework to design a customized plan to shift into a life & career aligned with God’s purpose for you – while still making the money you desire.
“Your job is not just to do what your parents say, what your teachers say, what society says, but to figure out what your heart calling is and be led by that.” 

Oprah Winfrey

I’m Cassandra Tanzi

Your Life & Career Transformation Coach

I believe that life is too short to not do work you love! If you landed here, I suspect you are shattering glass ceilings in Corporate America but secretly (or loudly) wanting a career that is more meaningful & aligned with your calling, gifts & strengths. You are very successful in the work you do but you are out of alignment with what would bring you the greatest joy, fulfillment and impact – the work God purposed you to do!
I achieved “The American Dream,” only to realize that I wasn’t living MY dream. 

I checked all the boxes – obtained the degrees, mastered corporate politics, earned promotions, built great relationships, and contributed bottom-line growth and impact to Fortune 100 organizations. 

But even in that success, I didn’t feel successful. 
I felt like the thing that God created me to do and be was still sitting on the back burner – with no flame igniting it.  Bits and pieces of my purpose shined though but I lived with this limiting belief that I could not make the shift and make good money too! 
Then one day I decided to get in alignment with the reason God created me – to help women identify their gifts and leverage them to make a living, an impact, and leave a God-ordained legacy. I used to think that our careers were just a means to an end.  They are much greater than that. We are most successful in our careers when they are centered around our purpose. 

Now, I am on a mission to help women become who they were destined to be 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲.

Sounds familiar? If so, let’s make a SHIFT – together!

SHIFT into the Life & Career You Were Born to Build!

The Proven Process To Identify & Transition Into Your Soul-Aligned Career!

SHIFT is a transformative1:1 life & career coaching program for impact-driven women who realize they have climbed the wrong corporate ladder and are ready to redefine and relaunch a new career path purposefully, successfully and without demotion.

You know you are meant for more but you are not sure what MORE is. So you spend a few hours a week scrolling LinkedIn job listings or looking up different career paths and you feel more stuck than ever. Because you don’t find JOY in your career, you try to find it elsewhere – but none of it makes you feel better. You’ve felt an inner angst, spiritual tug and nagging frustration for more than 6 months – but you are still committing your time to something that just drains your energy and isn’t aligned to God’s design for your life. 

Moving beyond success to significance and impact is your desire but you lack clarity.

In SHIFT, you will learn a proven process to make a pivotal life and career change through these steps:  

  1. Strengthen your Spiritual intuition & relationship with God
  2. Rediscover Your God-Given Gifts & Legacy
  3. Redefine Your Values & Identify your Boundaries
  4. Renew Your Mindset & Overcome Limiting Beliefs 
  5. Realign Your Life & Career 
  6. Repackage your Experience 
  7. Redevelop your personal brand 
  8. Refine Your Strategy
  9. Transition into your Soul-Aligned Career or Business – without sacrificing financial security

How would your life be different if you could grow a thriving career aligned with the work you are meant to do in the world? A successful transition requires specific foundational strategies. When you know what they are, and have an expert coach to guide you in implementing them, you’ll finally enjoy the fulfillment, freedom and flexibility you dream about.

To learn more about my program or to apply, click the button below.


Release & overcome limiting beliefs and mental blocks that keep you from achieving your biggest dreams.


Identify the God-given gifts that are aligned with your purpose AND suitable for an impactful career or business. 


Strategically package your gifts & experience so you can articulate the value you bring and land a role aligned with the vision God has for your life & career.

Alignment, Fulfillment & Impact is Just 3 Steps Away!

Are You Ready To Take The Leap To Do What You Were Created To Do?


Schedule your FREE session below!


Identify the ideal career for you & launch into a new area.


Embrace fulfillment and impact by doing work you love.
Roadmap to Uncover Your Ideal Career
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